Sunday, August 21, 2011

Zara - Sneak Peek /// Adelaide Newborn Photographer

Ok so Zara is about 7 weeks old so she's technically not a "newborn" but come on she's still fairly new! Here is a little sneak peek of this gorgeous little girl!

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Almonds & Berries

The weekend just passed I was a busy little bee (pun intended). Sunday we were supposed to be going to Tom's house for my future mother-in-law's birthday. Of course this for me meant baking (YAY) most people obviously know that I love baking (check out my baking blog Bakerhi). So birthdays are always a good excuse to bake something! I've recently been asked to make some German items for a friend who is planning a German themed party so I needed to test out my bee sting cake recipe to make sure it was still good. Then I decided I wanted to make something a bit more colourful and birthday fun like so I made a pavlova topped with cream and berries!

By the way it's a great idea to make pavlova and bee sting cake at the same time, you need egg yolks for the custard in bee sting and then use the left over egg white for the pavlova (any excuse to make more desserts).

Here's a few photos of how they turned out, they will also be shared on my baking blog.

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Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Shenae is 21! /// Adelaide 21st Photographer

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of photographing Shenae's 21st birthday party! Shenae is the sister of a good friend of mine and I was so thrilled to be her photographer for the night. Not only that, but my fiance also set up his wide range of disco lights for her as well. All in all, I think it turned out to be a pretty great night. I hope you enjoyed it Shenae!

Here's a few of my favourite photos.

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Monday, August 08, 2011

Gorge Wildlife Park /// Adelaide Wildlife Photographer

Last Friday ended up being fantastic! My fiancé finished work early and we decided to head up to Lobethal Bakery for some lunch (YUM!) and then go to Gorge Wildlife Park. As most of you know we have our favourite photographers, Scarlett and Stephen, coming all the way to Aus for our wedding next year. You might not know that Scarlett really wants to get the chance to hold a koala and Stephen wants to ride a kangaroo (don't think that will happen sorry Stephen). Anyway, we realised we should take them to Gorge Wildlife Park, then also realised that neither of us had actually been there since we were little kids! Hence the trip when we got the chance!

We got to the park, payed our admission and of course didn't skip buying the biscuits to feed the kangaroos! We walked into the kangaroo area, me with the camera glued to my face and as soon as they saw the biscuits they were practically jumping on top of us. Although it can be quite intimidating at first with this kangaroo coming straight up to you, you then realise how placid and laidback they are (so Aussie!). After a few attempts of them trying to eat the biscuits straight out of Tom's pocket we then moved on to the other animals. Here's a few photos from that day, if you get a chance be sure to head up there you won't regret it!

I love both the black and white and colour versions of this photo, so decided to share both!

Couldn't resist a few shots of the beautiful flowers around the gardens, can't wait for all the colours of Spring to arrive!

I loved the pattern on the side of this bench!

On our way home we stopped at this cafe quickly, this adorable dog was just sitting outside waiting for it's owner. Couldn't resist the adorable shot!

Best Blog Tips

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Sneak Peek Gorge Wildlife Park /// Adelaide Wildlife Photographer

A little sneak peek into a little trip up to the Gorge Wildlife Park! Absolutely LOVED feeding the kangaroos they're so cute!

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Monday, August 01, 2011

Time Flies When You Watch the Sunset

We've all heard the old saying "time flies when you're having fun" well to be honest I think it flies by even faster when you watch the sunset, or to be more exact, photograph the sunset. I love sunsets and of course one of the best ways to watch the sunset is at the beach. The magical colours in the sky, the birds flying around and the waves crashing on to the shore. All these things brought together bring such peace and serenity it's so hard to get into or remain in a bad mood while watching the sunset on the beach (beach therapy).

"Be careful you don't step in the water" my fiance warned me as I was stepping through all the seaweed to get the shot I wanted. I really should have listened as about 2 seconds after that I stepped in what I thought was just seaweed and sunk through into a BIG pile of water. My feet (along with my brand new shoes!) were soaked and FREEZING! I could feel the water swirling around in my shoes but I didn't care I wanted to stay and keep going with my photos, frostbite be damned! Ok so that may have been a little dramatic but it was super cold! Anyway, I'm so happy I stuck it out and dealt with my squishy cold feet because I love how my shots turned out, and hope you do too!

Here are my favourites! 

Love how the blue creates a frosty look!

As we were walking to the other side of the marina I had to stop to get these shots of the boats docked while the sun was dropping, it created such an amazing silhouette shape. And I think the different tones create completely different scenes and emotions in each shot (by the way the colours in these shots were SOOC not in post processing)

Yes, the blurry birds in flight was purposely done. I wanted to capture the motion of the birds suddenly flying away from the burst of cold water that washed ashore instead of them in full focus like they're hovering in the sky.

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