My name is Rhiannon and I have two great passions in my life: Photography and Baking! (well 3 if you include my fiance) I fell in love with photography at a very young age and that love grew during photography classes I completed in high school. While I am interested in almost all fields of photography, I am finding my passion is portrait photography. I love being able to convey the feelings of a subject in a way that the viewer can feel it as well. My photographs are meant to be displayed for you to show off to your friends and family.
I love all areas of portrait photography from engagements to newborns to pets and more. Whether it's the bliss of being a newly engaged couple in love or the precious first moments of your newborn child I would be honoured to have the opportunity to photograph this amazing and special time of your life to give you
'everlasting memories'
My camera bag is starting to fill up and my knowledge on professional photography is developing more and more each day. As a photographer I believe you never stop learning, you will never be finished discovering everything there is to know about photography.
I love all areas of portrait photography from engagements to newborns to pets and more. Whether it's the bliss of being a newly engaged couple in love or the precious first moments of your newborn child I would be honoured to have the opportunity to photograph this amazing and special time of your life to give you
'everlasting memories'
My camera bag is starting to fill up and my knowledge on professional photography is developing more and more each day. As a photographer I believe you never stop learning, you will never be finished discovering everything there is to know about photography.
"A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense, and is, thereby, a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety."
~Ansel Adams